Over 2000 primary school resources including assemblies, games, activities, presentations and more! All resources have been tried and tested and most cost less than a cup of coffee. Thank you for visiting.
Over 2000 primary school resources including assemblies, games, activities, presentations and more! All resources have been tried and tested and most cost less than a cup of coffee. Thank you for visiting.
This individual education plan is an effective way to facilitate an individual education programme for a child with specific learning needs (SEN, G & T etc.)
Simple and purposeful
3-page booklet
Fully editable
Page 1: Initial Interview with child
Page 2: Specific targets, activities and schedule
Page 3: Review of targets
This useful ‘screening form’ identifies dyslexic tendencies and is an excellent tool to determine whether or not a child requires a formal assessment.
This form was put together in consultation with a UK dyslexic specialist.
Please note: Individual pupil observations should be carried out over 2 to 3 weeks and this screening form does not diagnose dyslexia.
A great variety of writing resources!
VCOP - A basic introduction.
Make your own VCOP Pyramid.
2 Writing Mats - Ideal for younger learners.
6 Times: A Dyslexia Friendly Reading and Writing Manual.
Cursive Handwriting & Tripod Grip.
Handwriting Paper (3 sheets).
Letter Writing Templates.
Level Writing - Fully Automated System.
National Strategies 2010 Writing Genres.
Story Writing Placemat - 3 differentiated placemats.
Success Criteria for 97 AREAS OF WRITING (Reception - Year 6).
Writing Progress Indicators +Tracking Sheets - Nursery to Y6.
Planning and writing template sheets.
Attached is a comprehensive and up-to-date ‘Dyslexia’ screening form; a ‘dyslexia friendly’ reading and writing manual and some great ‘child friendly’ reading and writing tracking sheets.
A dyslexia-friendly reading and writing manual.
Recommended age: 2 - 6 years.
This 48-page manual is designed to help ANY child to read and write.
Children with dyslexia or dyslexic tendencies make remarkable progress with this manual.
The ‘6 Times’ manual must be taught on a 1-to-1 basis (1 adult, 1 child) and takes 36 days to complete.
Many of the activities are designed to be repetitious and are graded according to difficulty.
Unlike a child in a wheelchair or a child with a hearing aid, many children with speech and language difficulties provide no immediate visual reminders of their disability. Such children are dependent on the adults around modifying their language and expectations.
This 4-page handout explains the signs, symptoms and strategies to look out for and use when working with children/young people with speech language and communication needs.
Speech and Language - Pronunciation Screening Form and Booklet
Attached is a 5-page screening form that identifies ‘sounds’ a student may find difficult to pronounce.
The screening test will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
The information gathered in this screening may be used to facilitate speech interventions, inform parents or provide appropriate evidence for referral.
Please note: This screening form does not diagnose a speech and language impediment.
Also attached is 4-page SLCN (Speech Language and Communication Needs) booklet.
5 great resources:
A personal Target / Rewards Chart.
Responding to Work - Marking & Feedback Form.
An individual education plan - IEP - blank template.
A Maths Targets Sheet.
A Speech, Language and Communication Needs Information Booklet.
Speech and Language - Pronunciation Screening Form & Booklet.
A Personal Target / Rewards Chart.
A Dyslexia Friendly Reading and Writing Activity Book.
A Dyslexia Screening Form.
7 Book-Based Resources:
Non-Fiction PowerPoint.
Bookmarks - Fully editable!
Spellings - Personal Dictionary - Word Book.
Year 2 - Spelling Homework Book - Version 2.
Year 2 - Spelling Homework Book.
6 Times: A Dyslexia Friendly Reading and Writing Manual.
Book reviews and reports - 10 activities